Summit-Special: Peace! An Outcry of Life
Cultivating an Open Heart and Non-Violence in Times of War
March 13, 2024, 19:00 – 20:30 CET (1pm EST)
» Live Online-Dialogue with Sabine Lichtenfels, Sami Awad, Gabriel Meyer-Halevy, Charles Eisenstein & Kosha Joubert
Language: English with simultaneous interpretation in German
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This online dialogue is part of the 8th Pioneers of Change Online Summit (in German language). You are welcome to register for free – but the whole communication will be in german.
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The intention for this evening
How do we face the realities of war without closing our hearts, but with a worldview that goes beyond “good versus evil”? How do we bear witness to the pain and stand with our suffering brothers and sisters in the human family? What can give us hope, a new vision and direction?
Sabine Lichtenfels says: “I want the people in the Middle East to feel that we are here – they are not alone.” And: “For me it makes a big difference to make the global networks of the heart visible.”
So it was an impulse from Sabine (supported by Summit host Martin Kirchner of Pioneers of Change) to invite friends: Sami, Gabriel, Charles & Kosha, “people who have a vision for the future, who know each other and trust each other”.
About the speakers
Sabine Lichtenfels
Co-founder of the Tamera ecovillage, peace researcher, theologian and director of the Global Love School. She is a “source for female peace knowledge” and has been committed to peace in the Middle East and Colombia and to deep cooperation with nature.
Sami Awad
is the founder of Holy Land Trust, an organisation that works for the dignity and justice of all people living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea: Jews, Christians, Muslims. He works for peace through non-violent activism, personal transformation and spiritual trauma work. Sami´s grandfather was killed in 1948 and my father became a refugee at the age of nine. Sami was born in a refugee family.
Gabriel Meyer
Musician, peace worker, writer, keynote speaker, and workshop facilitator. Gabriel follows in his late father Marshall Meyer´s footsteps as a spiritual activist and radical creative prayer leader. He was given the honorary title of “true representative of the Jewish people” by the late Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi. He was initiated into the “order of disorder” by the late Zen Roshi Bernie Glassman. He learned from acclaimed Buddhist Teachers (e.g. Thich Nhat Hanh), had a private audience with the Dalai Lama, and studied with Sufi Sheiks from the Middle East & Africa as well as with Shamans from the Americas. Gabriel co-founded the Sulha Peace Project in 2001 and is currently a core member and coordinator of the “Defend the Sacred” global alliance of sacred activists, inspired by Standing Rock.
Charles Eisenstein
Cultural philosopher, author and visionary of the more beautiful life our hearts know is possible. Writes about the deep crisis of our civilisation, the birth of a new age (e.g. about a sacred economy). In his book “Climate: A new Story”, he places the climate crisis in a larger context.
Kosha Joubert
connects communities for a sustainable world with heart and commitment. Grand Dame and former CEO of the Global Ecovillage Network, now CEO of the “Pocket Project” focussed on healing collective trauma.
Pioneers of Change Online Summit 2024 (in German language)
Lerne von >30 herausragenden Pionier:innen des Wandels
Sei dabei und hol dir Impulse u.a. von:
André SternLIVE-INTERVIEW – Initiator der Bewegung "Ökologie der Kindheit", Künstler & Gitarrenbauer | Arawana HayashiChoreografin, Entwicklerin des Social Presencing Theater und Mitgründerin des Presencing Institute | Ariadne von SchirachPhilosophin, Dozentin, Bestsellerautorin | Auma ObamaMutmacherin, Stiftungsgründerin, Mitglied des Weltzukunftsrates | Bayo Akomolafe"Post-Aktivist", Philosoph, Geschäftsführer des Emergence Network | Christian BachlerInnovativer „Wutbauer“ vom höchsten Bergbauernhof der Steiermark | Christian KrollGründer und Geschäftsführer der grünen Suchmaschine Ecosia | Christiana FigueresLeidenschaftliche Politikerin & Klimaschutzaktivistin | Dieter DuhmPsychologe, Autor, Mitgründer des "Heilungsbiotops" Tamera | Edith Eva EgerAuschwitz-Überlebende & Trauma-Therapeutin | Frédéric LalouxNew Work-Experte & Kulturwandel-Pionier, Mitgründer von | Gabi SchörkMutmacherin für alternative Gesundheits-Wege, Brückenbauerin für den Wandel | Geseko von LüpkeVisionssuche-Leiter, Tiefenökologe, Politikwissenschaftler, Autor, Journalist |
Hellwig Bali SchinkoTherapeut, Trainer und spiritueller Begleiter, Gründer und Leiter des ARUNA Instituts | Jascha RohrBegleiter von kokreativen Gestaltungsprozessen, Philosoph, Prozesskünstler, Gründer der CoCreation Foundation | Jim RoughErfinder von "Dynamic Facilitation" & "Wisdom Council Process". Inspirationsquelle für die Bürgerräte | Joana BreidenbachNew Work-Pionierin, Gründerin betterplace, Autorin, Expertin für digitale Innovation | Johannes GutmannSONNENTOR Gründer und Bio-Pionier | Johannes NarbeshuberSparring Partner für Management Teams, Executive Coach und Wirtschaftspsychologe | Jörg AltSozialethiker, Jesuit, Aktivist für Klimagerechtigkeit | Judith MangelsdorfGlücksforscherin und Professorin für Positive Psychologie | Kewin Comploi-TaupeTrainer & Wohnprojekt-Gründer, Projektleitung RISE! | Leonore GewesslerKlimaschutzministerin | Mari LangJournalistin, Autorin, Moderatorin & Podcasterin | Matthieu RicardBuddhistischer Mönch, Mitgefühlsforscher & Gründer der Hilfsorganisation Karuna-Shechen | Omar Khir AlanamAutor und Poetry Slammer |
Reinhard HeisererMitgründer von "Jugend eine Welt" & Friedensaktivist | Roshi Joan HalifaxPionierin des engagierten Buddhismus & Menschenrechts- und Klimaaktivistin | Sabine LichtenfelsFriedens- und Liebesforscherin | Shia SuMinimalistin und Zero-Waste Pionierin mit Wasteland-Rebel, Aktivistin & Bloggerin | Sonja-Vera SchmittQuelle und Mitgründerin der Gemeinschaft Schloss Glarisegg | Stefan SagmeisterVielfach ausgezeichneter Designer, Autor und Filmemacher | Sylvester WalchPionier für Holotropes Atmen und Transpersonale Psychologie, Psychotherapeut, Autor | Tanja MisiakBegleitet Veränderungsprozesse und inspiriert aktuell mit ihrem mutigen Umgang mit Krebs | Theresia CroneKlimaaktivistin, Sprecherin von Fridays for Future D, Gründerin von EndEndoSilence | Thomas SteiningerPhilosoph, Kulturaktivist, Gründer & Herausgeber des evolve-Magazins | Ute ScheubAutorin und Aktivistin für den ökosozialen Wandel, taz-Mitgründerin | André SternLIVE-INTERVIEW – Initiator der Bewegung "Ökologie der Kindheit", Künstler & Gitarrenbauer | Arawana HayashiChoreografin, Entwicklerin des Social Presencing Theater und Mitgründerin des Presencing Institute |